Event Overview

Event NameParticipatory Forum on Public and Private Partnership for Disaster Risk Reduction 
Date & Time (Local time)11 March 2025 8:30-15:00
VenueLecture Hall 235, College of Science and Technology, National Chi Nan University & Paper Dome
Organiser(s)College of Science and Technology, National Chi Nan University; Shui Sha Lian College; Center for Humanities Innovation and Social Practice
ContactDr Yitzu LIN
Email address
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The primary objective of this forum is to enhance understanding and connections among Taiwan’s Disaster Risk Reduction-focused NGOs. By sharing insights into their respective DRR activities, strategies, and challenges, participating organizations can foster stronger collaboration and work together toward the vision of Zero Casualty.

Zero Casualty does not mean Zero Damage. It aims to reduce avoidable deaths and injuries through effective DRR education, policy-making, and social mobilization, ultimately enhancing societal resilience.

Taiwan is in the Pacific Ring of Fire and face various natural hazards. By this forum we hope to establish an international dialogue platform, bridging cross-border and interdisciplinary efforts toward a safer and more resilient future. In addition to fostering discussions, this forum is also expected to provide the global community with a broader reference for DRR strategies.

The event is set to take place in Puli, a town that suffered devastating damage during the 921 Earthquake. Over the years, Puli has undergone extensive reconstruction and has emerged as a key hub for DRR education and DRR research in Taiwan. Though deeply affected by the earthquake, the town has since become a gathering place for scholars, NGOs, and local communities committed to disaster recovery and resilience building.


8:30~9:00Registration & NetworkingCivil Engineering Students
9:00~9:20Opening SpeechProf. Chen Jie-Ru, Dean of the College of Technology
IAD4AD SignificanceAssoc. Prof. Shiroshita Hideyuki, Kansai University
9:20~10:20Experience Sharing and Generational Transition (UNI)Asst. Prof. Lin Yi-Tzu, General Education Center
Disaster Prevention Education in Schools (GOV)Principal Chang Dong-Meng, Chushang Elementary School, Nantou County
Disaster Prevention Efforts by World Vision (NGO)Senior Officer Cheng Zong-Xun, World Vision
Disaster Prevention Efforts by Tzu Chi (NGO)Volunteer Leader Lu Xue-Zheng, Tzu Chi
10:30~11:15Post-Disaster Reconstruction & Taiwan-Japan Connection (INDEPENDENT)Chairman Liao Jia-Zhan, New Homeland Foundation
Vision of the Puli Disaster Prevention Volunteer Team (VOLUNTEER GROUP)Secretary Pan Yi-Xiu, Puli Disaster Prevention Volunteer Team
Disaster Prevention in Puli Township (GOV)Chief Su Li-Wen, Social Affairs Division, Puli Township Office
11:15~11:30Closing RemarksDean Jiang Da-Shu, Shuishalian College & Humanities and Social Sciences Center
11:30~12:40Networking & LunchPuli Tzu Chi Volunteers
12:40~13:40Hands-on Disaster Prevention – HikingGather at 12:40, 1st Floor, College of Technology
13:40~14:00 (JP Time 14:46)311 Earthquake Memorial SilenceExecutive Director Yan Xin-Zhu, New Homeland Foundation Prof. Shiroshita Hideyuki, Kansai University
14:00~15:00Consensus Workshop - 20-minute Paper Dome Tour - 40-minute WorkshopExecutive Director Yan Xin-Zhu, New Homeland Foundation Asst. Prof. Lin Yi-Tzu, General Education Center
15:00~Group Photo & ClosingLocation: Paper Dome